Dry conditions throughout the Spring months has seen the level of Thirlmere Reservoir which provides water to Keswick and surrounding area being lower than usual for the time of year.
However, a spokesman for Warrington-based United Utilities which owns the reservoir, has told the Keswick Reminder that overall levels are still at around 80 per cent, but water should always be used “wisely” as it can save money and also help protect the environment.
No one wants to pour money down the drain. Saving water is not only good for the planet, it can be good for your bank balance too – no bad thing in these tough economic times. The average amount of water used in the home is approximately 132 litres per person per day
The water giant which supplies homes and businesses across the North West has produced a guide on how to use water wisely with tips including:
- catching water from handwashing in a bowl and using it to water the garden. Soap suds won’t harm plants and they can help control greenfly and other pests
- installing a water butt to collect rainwater. Plants thrive on rainwater
- turning the tap off when brushing your teeth. Leaving a tap running when brushing your teeth can waste 9 litres of water every minute – that’s 6,570 litres a year!
View the full guide to using water wisely by United Utilities.