A pillar of a North Lakes community is stepping down after more than 15 years as chairman of the village hall.
Peter Kerr has been involved with the Braithwaite Institute since 1998 when he was asked by the then vicar, the Rev Campbell Mathews, to become a trustee and even rescued it from closure when the ageing board of trustees all stepped down at a similar time.
His role evolved over the years and since 2006, when he was appointed as the institute’s chairman, he has overseen a number of major upgrades to the hall and sports facilities.
“It’s a bit like painting the Forth Bridge,” said Mr Kerr. “There is always something that needs doing. It’s been a long programme of general enhancements and improvements.”
“I think the main achievement has been that in a period when many school and public authority playing fields have either been closed or sold off, the Institute has been able to not only maintain, but steadily improve these facilities in conjunction with a programme of upgrading the hall and car park.”
This included upgrading the tennis courts from grass to an all-weather surface meaning the tennis club could merge with Keswic allowing greater access to the game.
Peter Walter, who was elected as the new chairman at the recent annual general meeting, said: “The institute is one of the largest halls in the Lakes and is a fantastic facility.
“Peter and the rest of the volunteers who run it have done an amazing job over the years. I’m excited to take over and want to promote it widely so more local people, clubs and organisations can make use of it.”
Recent upgrades include a new website and projector.
Mr Kerr added: “I am delighted that Peter is taking over as chair. He will bring a new set of skills and enthusiasm to the management of the institute and I wish him every success.”