The Youth Hostels Association has lodged an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate against a decision not to allow a seasonal pitch for a luxury Airstream caravan in the Lake District.
The application for the Borrowdale YHA site at Longthwaite had been turned down by the Lake District National Park Authority but bosses at the YHA have now appealed.
Residents raised objections and Borrowdale Parish Council was also unsupportive. It wrote to the national park to say the site was becoming over developed and that a “bright shiny aluminium caravan” was out of keeping for such a sensitive site.
The LDNPA had ruled that the caravan would appear as a “modern, discordant feature,” and would disrupt the appearance of the land and the woodland setting being “harmful” to the World Heritage Site.
The YHA said it had applied for planning permission but had then experienced a “significant delay” in its application being processed by the national park authority so it made a decision to install the unit while its application was being processed.
Anyone wishing to comment can do so at https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk or by emailing north2@planninginspectorate.gov.uk by November 12.