Residents in Braithwaite have outlined objections to resubmitted plans for a housing scheme on a parcel of land next to the busy A66.
The new plan was lodged with the Lake District National Park Authority in November after a previous scheme was withdrawn.
But now the resubmitted scheme has also attracted objections from nearby householders, many of whom opposed last year’s initial plan.
Lancaster-based chartered town planners have applied on behalf of their client for outline planning permission to build 12 houses which includes seven “affordable” properties with parking for up to 34 cars.
Some residents living across the road in the Gatesgarth development are opposed and Above Derwent Parish Council will decide its position next week.
Guy Lawson said the area has extensive wildlife including red squirrels and that housing would have a “significantly detrimental effect” on its biodiversity.
Connie Hutchinson objected on five different grounds and said Braithwaite needed genuinely affordable housing for local occupation rather than market housing.
Resident Nancy Gowling said the development would result in an urban spread in the protected national park with the properties soon becoming holiday home or lets with “associated noise and disruption”.
LDNPA planners will make a decision on the application at a later date.