Four men who planned an ascent of Sharp Edge on Blencathra in strong winds and driving rain today (Saturday) led to a call out lasting nearly three hours for Keswick Mountain Rescue Team.
The team said the party managed to negotiate the ‘slippy when wet’ slab on the ridge and made it to the notch before the steeper scramble to the top of Foule Crag.
A spokesman said: “At this point they became concerned about continuing and so called for assistance. Five team members made their way to the top of Sharp Edge with a plan to rope them up to safety.
“On arrival, the team could not locate the four men on the ridge, and it transpired that they had self-rescued by scrambling down the tricky north gully.
“Another Keswick MR team met them on their descent and accompanied them down to the car park. Thankfully all were uninjured.”
On Facebook, news of the rescue attracted a number of critical comments about taking on the peak in such poor weather.