A proposal to erect a 12-metre long privacy fence between 4 Browfoot and Glenburn in Keswick has been objected to by town council planners.
They ruled that the 2.5 metre high boundary would have a significant detrimental visual impact in this location.
Members felt the whole community would be affected by the impact of such a high barrier to the open nature of the front gardens along Browfoot characterised by low stone boundary walls and hedges.
Town councillors learnt that a privacy issue is stated as justification with windows in a side extension at Glenburn, in place since 2000, overlooking the property frontage at 4 Browfoot.
A report to the March meeting of the town council stated: “The frontage in question is completely surfaced in block pavers with small areas of peripheral planting and is used primarily for car parking.
“The overlooking is no greater than anyone can see walking along the Penrith Road public footpath and is not valid reason for such an imposing and intrusive barrier.”