An appeal from a retired couple for parking restrictions to be added along the full length of Keswick’s Springs Road has been dismissed by Cumberland Council, a meeting of the town council heard on Thursday night.
The couple claim that vehicles are being parked and abandoned along the road all day long, causing obstructions to other road users including refuse and delivery vehicles. It is also claimed that residents are experiencing difficulties accessing their own homes and damage was being caused to edges of the highway.
In a letter to the council, the couple say that Springs Road is barely wide enough for two cars to pass each other safely.
Councillors will hear that the problems have been exacerbated with the introduction of double yellow lines for about 25 yards at the start of Springs Road. The couple claim this has only made the situation worse further along the road where it gets narrower.
In their letter to Cumberland Council the couple appeal to the local authority to help Keswick residents by adding restrictions for parking along the full length of Springs Road or impose a maximum 30 minutes, no return within two hours, restriction on the road.
Cumberland Council has replied saying that its team has made an assessment of the current arrangements and says that there is no possibility of installing any time restricted parking on Springs Road “as it’s on the outer fringes of the town”.
It said that double yellow lines were implemented at the junction of Ambleside Road in order to keep it clear as this had been stipulated as a planning request in connection with a flood defence development.
The reply added: “Additional double yellow line restrictions along Springs Road for key locations have been considered, however, there are no areas that would be immediately beneficial. There is also the risk of moving problems elsewhere.
“An element of parked vehicles offers a level of natural traffic calming. If obstructive parking is taking place then this is a matter that can be referred to the police.”