Volunteers with Two’s Company Keswick have plans for the befriending scheme to grow in 2025.
At the start of 2024 there were 20 new referrals to the scheme and 15 volunteers were trained. By the end of the year 33 volunteer befrienders were matched to a scheme member and over the year there were 1,000 face to face visits and 190 phone calls.
A family member of one of the scheme members recently said: “We really can’t thank you enough, what you and your fantastic volunteers do is just brilliant.
“Giving up their time to share a bit of chat and connection with people who really need it, makes such a huge difference to their lives.”
In addition to befriending visits and phone calls, the charity also runs a monthly activity afternoon which continues to be popular with Greta Gardens residents and scheme members. Residents gather in the bistro area for a time of chatting, games and cake.
Some of the befriending volunteers pop along and help to serve tea and coffee, cakes and biscuits, and to join in the activities and some even bake for the occasion.
The informal friendly atmosphere helps those who attend for the first time feel very welcome. One of the scheme members produces a quiz, and there are crosswords, word searches and Suduko puzzles for those who would like to exercise their brains, as well as other board games or jigsaw puzzles.
Each event has a simple craft activity which can be undertaken. In the past residents have made various items which include pom pom creations, decorated jars, planted seeds in decorated pots and macrame pot hangers.
During 2025 the volunteers plan to increase the charity’s visibility in the Keswick and wider CA12 area and to attract an increasing number of referrals, those who would benefit from having someone to chat to on a regular basis,
In order to do this more volunteers will need to be recruited. Three new volunteers have been welcomed this month and have been trained and had their safeguarding checks.
They are in the process of being matched to a person waiting to meet a befriender.
The charity is seeking anyone interested in people, good at listening and able to offer an hour a week. Anyone interested in joining should contact the scheme co-ordinator on on 07832-858537.