Two pensioners had to be airlifted to hospital after they failed to return from a walk on the fells.
The walkers, in the mid-70s, were part of a walking group on a day trip to the Lake District from the North East yesterday.
They failed to return to the coach and Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team was alerted shortly after 7pm by Cumbria police.
It was confirmed by the other walkers that they were experienced and well equipped and group members said they had last been seen at about 1.30pm at Nick Head heading towards Sticks Pass. The pair had also left a route plan with the trip organisers.
A search was initiated involving 12 members of Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team, aiming to send parties along their intended route over the Helvellyn massif and the escape routes off the ridge to the east.
Support was requested from the Lake District search dogs and two handlers were deployed to search the high corries to the side of the ridge. Keswick Mountain Rescue Team was also mobilised to search the routes down the west side of the mountain.
The missing walkers were reported as carrying a mobile phone; these appeared to receive text messages, but calls went directly to voice mail, Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team said.
As the search progressed the cloud cleared from the mountain and the team requested a Coastguard helicopter to over fly the area with night vision and infra-red search equipment.
At about 11pm, two members of Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team discovered the walkers close to the path just south of Whiteside top.
Both were exhausted and significantly hypothermic, with one of them confused and disoriented.
The Patterdale team members were joined by one of the dog handlers and members of Keswick team, and between them they got the pair into a shelter and survival bags, applied heat packs, and provided additional clothing, food and drinks.
The helicopter was reassigned to collect the pair, one of whom was stretchered to the aircraft, and they were both flown to Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle.
A spokesman for Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team said: “We would like to thank Keswick Mountain Rescue Team, Lake District Search Dogs and the crew of Rescue 139 for their assistance with this successful search and rescue operation.
“The pair might well not have survived the night, but they undoubtedly helped themselves by leaving a clear plan of their intended route.
“As the nights draw in, the weather worsens, and the clocks go back, Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team would like to remind parties to be well prepared for all conditions.”