The January meeting of Borrowdale Parish Council will hear that there has been no response from either the National Trust or the police about their apparent lack of action towards hunting in the county.
Last month The Keswick Reminder reported that Billy Bland, a member of Cumbria Hunt Watch, had alleged that hunt packs were continuing to illegally trespass on National Trust and private land but the conservation charity and the police were not acting on reports.
And during the meeting a member of the public also raised concerns that Cumbria police appear to be taking disproportionate action against saboteurs but not against illegal hunts.
According to a report to be presented to the Wednesday January 31 meeting of the council, clerk Becx Carter has made contact with the National Trust and police but had not yet received a response to concerns raised.
The meeting will take place in the Herdwick suite of the Borrowdale Institute, starting at 7pm.