A question and answer session over proposals to extend the Keswick to Threlkeld Trail was held at the March meeting of St John’s Castlerigg and Wythburn Parish Council.
Two representatives from the Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA) – Emma Moody and Sharon Hodgson – were in attendance to field questions as a significant proportion of the proposed extension is within the parish.
The project is a partnership between the LDNPA, National Highways and both Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness unitary authorities. Councillors heard that there is an initial informal consultation taking place ahead of a full formal consultation in mid-April. If the consultation goes well a planning application will be submitted in mid-May. There are a lot of uncertainties remaining at the moment around land owner consents, approvals and funding.
Phase one of the extension is from the bottom of the zig-zags on the existing route under the overpass and up to Burns Road (on the opposite side of the river to the current footpath). This is being funded by National Highways who want to see a reduction in the number of people crossing the A66.
The second phase is from Burns Road along to Station Road, then the final stage is to create a bridleway from Station Road through to Threlkeld Cricket Club on Newsham Road. The surfacing of the second and third stages will be of crushed stone to keep the ambience of the existing route. Some tree works may be required but only if they are damaged or are likely to cause a safety risk.
At Station Road the plan is to put a bridge back across the road to prevent trail users having to cross Station Road at road level which is currently a dangerous crossing with no pedestrian provision. The existing abutments may not be able to be used, so it is likely a new bridge/abutments would be constructed that would have the character/style of a railway bridge and would be a steel bridge. It may need to be arched to give the highways clearance.
The meeting was told that one of the aims of the project is for the current permissive footpaths to be formally adopted as public rights of way, as currently the route from Burns Road through to Newsham Road is only permissive and could be closed by landowners at any point.
Ms Moody and Ms Hodgson were asked why the project, which was likely to be expensive, was going ahead. They said that pedestrians crossing the A66 was a “big safety issue”.
They said the proposed upgrade links into the See More Lake District Cycling Strategy, currently the NCN 6 route crosses the A66 but all partners involved want improved connectivity without the A66 crossing.
They said it is hoped that linking the K2T trail to other existing car parks – Threlkeld Cricket Club and LDNPA car park – might take pressure off parking in Threlkeld.
Concerns were noted about the possible impact of fly parking on the road into the quarry when it is busier in the summer. The LDNPA representatives confirmed that modelling for impacts in terms of traffic flow into the quarry had not been carried out.
They also confirmed that further work is required on the message and signage e.g. signposting the Cricket Club Car Park as a car park for the K2T route.
The lack of toilets and bins were noted as an issue. The LDNPA noted that it could include toilets at the authority’s depot on the planning permission for the route but they may not get permission as it would turn the depot into more of a hub. The LDNPA representative also noted that it does not have funding to build or manage them. A suggestion was made that the village cricket club be encouraged to put in toilets so there are facilities at the start/end of the route.
There was broad positive support from the parish council for the extension with strong support for the bridge over Station Road.