A new petition has been launched for people to show their support for Keswick market.
James Mawson, of Bassenthwaite, launched the petition on website change.org after a petition was set up over the weekend asking for the Thursday and Saturday markets to close or move because people were not adhering to social distancing guidelines.
The former Keswick School pupil set up his petition in response to the one created by Isobel Hamer. Isobel’s petition has attracted hundreds of signatures from people who fear the markets may pose a health risk.
James’ petition asks people to support the market “in its present location in these difficult times”.
He said: “Whether the market is on or not, people are still going to come to Keswick.
“By cancelling the market it’s not going to stop tourists coming and instead the only thing it’s going to achieve is it means the traders who rely on the market have no source of income.
“Keswick is a tourist town, so it shouldn’t come as shock to locals that there are tourists about.
“A few months ago locals were complaining and worrying about the local economy and local businesses because they were all struggling, now as soon as tourists are back locals are complaining because there are tourists and the town’s too busy.
“If town’s too busy on a Thursday and Saturday, then go on any of the other five days of the week. Locals choose to live in Keswick, if you don’t like tourists and are only going to complain about them, then move.”
People responding to the news of the original petition on The Keswick Reminder’s Facebook page, were also broadly in support of the markets, which are organised by Allerdale council.
Deborah Hamilton Brown said: “Keswick is a market town. If people have a problem with people coming and helping the local economy when it’s in a desperate state, then they need to stay home on market days.”
Gail Miller said: “The whole of the area is packed at the moment. If market day is too busy I choose not to go.
“We are so lucky living here that we have so much to do away from Market Square, it’s a small area we can avoid two days a week if we feel uncomfortable.”
Aaron Thompson added: “Taking away the market isn’t going to change anything except the income of the traders who have the stalls.”
Alison Lamont said: “Let’s have proper marshalling of the one-way system and see how that goes on market days.
“Maybe ask that masks are worn when visiting the market? I live in Keswick and I love the market.
“People have short memories – in 2001 when we had a foot and mouth outbreak, our market, along with the Theatre by the Lake brought much needed visitors to Keswick.”