A speed restriction of 20mph is now in operation for Keswick town centre’s new one-way system after its first permanent traffic signs were installed last Friday.
The fixed signs have been put up to replace temporary ones at the Penrith Road entrance to the busy route along Station Street and St John’s Street.
However, temporary signs stating no entry were still in place at the other end near the Alhambra cinema this week.
Further signs, including illuminated ones, would be going up, said Tony Lywood, Keswick’s representative on Cumbria County Council.
“The one-way system appears to be working and the untidy temporary signs are being slowly replaced with ones on fixed poles. The imposition of a 20mph speed limit on these streets was clearly needed,” he said.
The one-way system was introduced under emergency coronavirus powers this summer as the old 30mph two-way traffic flow on an already narrow and congested route would have made it difficult for pedestrians to maintain social distancing without stepping off the pavement and into the street, especially on the bend near the George Hotel.
Duncan Miller, from Keswick Town Council, had raised concerns that at the end of this month parking restrictions in nearby Church Street would end, making it only wide enough for one car.
In response to this, the county council, which is the local highways authority, will be putting out no parking cones along Church Street and enforcement officers will make sure the restriction is adhered to.