A key route in north Cumbria is to share in a £9 million investment in road safety projects across the North West.
Work to install four average speed cameras, at a cost of £800,000, at locations along a six-mile section of the A66 between Dubwath and Cockermouth started on Monday.
The work, which it is hoped will reduce killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualty figures, is expected to be completed by the end of January with a break during the Christmas holiday period.
“We routinely assess the performance of our motorways and major A roads to ensure they are operating as safely and as smoothly as possible — and we’re always exploring ways to improve safety on our roads and to listen to the concerns of local communities,” said National Highways project manager Amy Gaskell.
“Using collision data we’ve identified sections of the A590, A66 and A585 which we think will benefit from measures to slow down drivers and ensure they stick to existing speed limits — for their own safety and the safety of other road users including local residents.”
National Highways has launched a web page for updates on the safety projects which includes information on traffic management.